Posts tagged Inflammation
Long COVID or Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC): A naturopathic perspective.

Almost three years on from the first New Zealand coronavirus cases and across the country there is a subset of patients that sustain an acute SARS CoV-2 infection (1). They develop a wide range of persistent symptoms that do not resolve over many months. This condition has been labelled Long COVID or Post-acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) (1).

Long COVID has been estimated to affect 30% to 45% of populations around the world (2, 3). Due to the majority of the NZ population contracting the virus later than the rest of the world the percentage of the population affected by Long COVID is still emerging.

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Lifestyle and Herbal support for Anxiety

Every year, around one in four New Zealanders experience anxiety in a way that makes it difficult to cope with daily life. Ranging in severity from a background level of worry to an overpowering force, anxiety can lead to difficulty sleeping, a racing heart, panic attacks, fatigue, digestive upset, sweating or headaches – interfering with your ability to live your life.

While anxiety can often feel insurmountable, there are several worry-busting habits you can develop to help minimize its effects. Read on to discover these top four habits that can leave you feeling more calm and in control.

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Anxiety in an unpredictable world: Creating head space naturally.

Feeling occasionally anxious is a normal response to modern life especially in the unpredictable events of 2020. However we don’t want this feeling to overwhelm and fill most of our days. It is hard when we are in this anxiety loop to get out of it which is where herbal medicine and specific nutrients can be our greatest friend. In this article I will list some of my favourite herbs and nutrients that regulate calming neurotransmitter production, calm down the fight flight response and help create that brain space so you can create shifts for long term reduction in your anxiety.

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Reducing Pain and Inflammation Naturally

Pain is a burden we carry that often we hide. 20% of New Zealanders are suffering from chronic pain, and pain is the most common reason someone will visit a healthcare Practitioner in New Zealand. There is no question that we’re a nation in pain and inflamed. To understand how to reduce pain, we need to look at its main cause, inflammation, which is triggered in response to tissue injury or infection.

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