Neurolink FAQs
What is Neurolink?
Neurolink is a technique that investigates cellular signalling in the body's neurological system to work out why you are experiencing health symptoms. Gentle yet powerful, the Neurological Integration System (NIS) is based on the principle that the brain governs optimal function of all the body’s systems through its neurological circuits.
A Neurolink or NIS treatment is a safe, non-invasive way to identify the underlying cause of your health concerns, manage a wide range of health concerns, maintain good health, and help prevent larger health issues developing in the future. I hold a Masters training in the Neurolink system, as well as being a naturopath, and my clients benefit from using Neurolink alongside Naturopathic Medicine in Auckland and around New Zealand.
Can I book an appointment for both Neurolink and Naturopathic Medicine?
Absolutely. I combine Neurolink and Naturopathic Medicine for the best results for my naturopath clients. They work together to support my clients to reach their health goals. Generally, the initial consultation focuses on Naturopathic Medicine with follow-up consultations combining Naturopathic Medicine and Neurolink.
What can I expect from a Neurolink appointment?
We start with a conversation about your current health status and any complaints or concerns you have. Once I have gathered the information I need, we start the Neurolink treatment. You will lie down face up on a massage table for the duration of the treatment. Most of my clients find it extremely relaxing and calming. I will follow a list of protocols that make up the NIS system, these require muscle testing and touching specific anatomical points on the body. Afterwards I will explain to you what I discovered about your health during the treatment.
Is Neurolink helpful for children?
Yes. Neurolink is a gentle, safe, non-invasive, non-manipulative therapy suitable for the entire family. It supports kids with learning difficulties, recurring illnesses, colic, asthma, and a range of other health challenges.
Can Neurolink support my mood?
Yes it can. The protocols in Neurolink can support people with generalised anxiety disorder, premenstrual syndrome, mood concerns, and depression. NIS focuses on looking at the whole body system. Our mental health is interrelated with many other systems in our body, such as our gastrointestinal system and our immune system. As a naturopath and NIS practitioner, I use the NIS protocols to find the underlying cause for your mood concern. It can be a fantastic option if you’re looking for natural remedies for depression and anxiety, or to lower your blood pressure naturally.
Can Neurolink support my back pain or pain in other areas of my body?
Yes it can. The Neurolink system has a range of protocols that look at the structural alignment of the body and inflammation that the body is not resolving. Pain is exhausting and reduces quality of life. More often than not pain goes beyond structural and Neurolink can support resolving this health complaint by looking at the underlying cause of the pain.
Is Neurolink supportive for my fertility and menstrual cycle health?
Yes. Neurolink has protocols that specifically target hormonal balance in the body. Women's health concerns such as menopause, PMS, pregnancy and fertility can all be supported safely and effectively with Neurolink. The system looks at the underlying cause of the health concern and uses the NIS protocols to support the body to resolve the imbalance.
How often should I have NIS treatments?
Everyone is different and I will recommend a specific plan for your health complaints. I often recommend three initial sessions so we can monitor the physiological changes over time followed by a monthly maintenance session. As we go through our lives, we are continuously exposed to external stressors that can overload our body systems causing new issues to arise. Taking preventive care and doing regular maintenance check-ups can take care of the small issues you’re facing today and prevent big issues developing in the future.