Four Steps to a Stronger Immune System


Keep it simple! With the four 'S's.

These days we have more information than we can digest and we can struggle to find what is most important. I have scoured the scientific research and information for you to provide you with these four steps. I choose them as they have a big impact leading to a stronger immune system and more vibrant health. .

  1. Sleep

    • Getting 7+ hours of sleep has been shown to increase our immune cells that fight off un-wanted bugs such as Natural killer cells.

    • When we sleep we make melatonin which is a powerful hormone that assists us in fighting inflammation that occurs when we get a virus.

      Tips for a better sleep:
      Spend 30 minutes outside in the early morning light to support your circadian rhythm. Put blue light blockers on all your devices (Flux.).

  2. Sugar

    • 70-80% of our immune system is in our gut.

    • Processed sugary foods decrease good gut bacteria and increase inflammation making us more susceptible to illness.

    • Reduce processed sugary foods and beverages, add in fiber rich foods.

      Our microbiome loves fiber. Fiber is high in vegetables, fruit, and grains.

  3. Stress

    • Stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol decrease the good bacteria in our gut.

    • 20 minutes in nature walking has been shown to decrease cortisol.

      Do activity in nature daily. Practice news free days to reduce overwhelm.

  4. Specific Foods

    • Vegetables increase the diversity of our gut bacteria in turn strengthening our immunity.

    • Mushrooms have been shown to enhance our immune system by providing polysaccharides, an essential food for our gut bacteria.

      Eat mushrooms 2-3 x a week, try a variety such as shitake, and portabello.

    Want to put some of these steps into action?

    Take a look at the Immune broth recipe to make an easy drink to support your immune system.
